Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hey All!

Isabelle scroll down and read our conversational thread. I think the information will help you.

Hope everyone is enjoying what the Holidays have to offer: sleeping and shopping!! Ashlee has sent me photos of her trip. Check it out you guys: simply amazing! I have expressed to Ashlee of how much we miss her and how we are excited to see her in the New Year.  Some of the pictures are just phenomenal. Way to Go Ashlee, You are super brave!!! Ashlee has included some captions of the photos

I wish I was a butterfly...free...flying...freedom. 

This guy came out of nowhere (thanks to GoPro!)

I took this blazing fire when I was piloting the plane looking for a place to land.

Oh so sweet!

These Siberian Tigers are endangered--so I decided to take them home to preserve their extinction

My personal alarm clock--almost took him out! 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Blown Away!

A very special thanks to you and your parents for all those wonderful, and heartfelt presents you've given me. I'm somewhat overwhelmed and sincerely appreciative--please give your parents a warm hug for me and express my sincerity and deep appreciation.

Two more sleeps and it will be Christmas morning! I hope you guys get everything you've asked for. Although Christmas/Holiday time isn't about the gifts, you will come to realize it's something more that you can't put a price tag on:  family.  It's about bonding with the people you love and who love you--it's really that simple.

I will continue to showcase our blogs to stay tuned...If you haven't started wrapping your presents: stop procrastinating. Ashlee will be sending us updates of her trip to the Amazon Rain Forest. I miss that kid!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Secret Santa and Party

Rachel we miss you--come back to us! We heard that you and Ashlee went to Beverly Hills. Wow, that's pretty classy. Anyway,  hope you guys are back tomorrow for our Secret Santa and Treats! Remember to bring games, cards and even puzzles if you wish tomorrow. If you're interested in playing chess, just remind me beforehand to grab a couple of chessboards from the library. Have a great evening and I will see you tomorrow morning, don't forget to be nice to each other and pay it forward. And let's pray for a Christmas miracle and make a special wish to see both Rachel and Ashlee on the last day of school before the Holiday Break.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Ashlee, Annabelle, Rachel

Girls are you not shopped out yet? Hurry back we miss you guys!!!  Book Review due tomorrow morning at 9:00 am (send to google classroom). Tomorrow we'll focus on essay writing with a wonderful example we found from the book, Twilight. Secret Santa is on Friday--bring in your gifts and food/drink choice.  Get your work done, enjoy your extracurricular activities, eat your broccoli and pay it forward.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Rachel, Annabelle, Ashlee

Hey Girls, I hope you feel better soon, miss you guys!!! Coincidently, we heard a rumor that both Rachel and Annabelle were picked up by Ashlee's private plane and flown to New York City, specifically 5th Ave. to go shopping. If that's true; you girls are so lucky!!!

Christmas Party right around the corner, bring your party goods and Secret Santa gift.  Thursday is due date for Book Review (I'm sure you all know that)

Thanks to Florence, Linda and Sonia's reminder I was able to do most of my Christmas shopping. Thanks girls!

Stay warm by downloading the fire place app or flicking it to the correct tv channel. Be nice to each other and pay it forward.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Secret Santa

Secret Santa is on Friday. Bring in your special gift. Also, bring in your treat. Book Reviews due Thursday.  If you finished your book review start an outline for your essay.  Have an extra warm evening. And let's say hi to Rachel and Ashlee who are casually shopping at 5th Ave. in New York City.

Holiday Party

Chocolate: Issa, Michelle, Rebecca, Mathian, Karrie
Chips: Mary, Isabelle, Florence, Anthony, Sonia, Sami, Ryan L, Ryan, Roy,
Drinks: Annabelle, James, Lucas
Candy: Makayla, Yunji
Fruit and Vegetables:
Games/Puzzles, Cards,
Plates: Kenny
Crackers: Simon
Ashlee; Surprise

Friday, December 16, 2016


Hey, we really tried with the food drive. And to me, we're all winners. I am proud of everyone in the class.

Book Review Final Piece due Thursday morning at 9:00 am. Follow the criteria and rubric and you should do fine.


I think this is an informative web page on thesis:

How to create a thesis

Thursday, December 15, 2016

All book reviews should be in by now

All book reviews should be in by now. I intend to mark them later.
We finishing up literature circles next week. Make sure you are on par with the rest of us and have it completed on the 22nd of December.

Everyone should have researched the word: thesis. If you haven't do it for homework.  Start thinking about Task two in literature circle culminating task. Think of a question you asked during your facilitation or a general question you asked at some point in a literature circle group meeting.  You're going to take that question and expand on it. We'll talk more about that tomorrow. Do not ask me any questions about the culminating task this evening--we will talk about it tomorrow.

Anyway bundle up and stay warm. If you haven't brought in any canned goods--tomorrow would be a great time to start. Have a toasty evening and don't forget to pay it forward.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


All the quizzes marked thus far, which is probably half the class has been on point. Well done! I will mark the other half later on or tomorrow.

Book reviews are going to be due tomorrow at the end of the language period. Don't fret if you thought it was due today.  I'll change the due date in google classroom when I get a chance.

Okay guys from what I understand, we're really behind with canned goods. Let's make a big push in the next couple of days to bring more cans in. So far you've done an awesome job!

Well, try to have a warm evening on this frigid day. Don't forget to pay it forward and be good to each other.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Remember Quiz tomorrow

Quiz in Language tomorrow: I gave you the format for the quiz: study hard or simply understand the information.

Food Drive: the canned and non-perishable goods continue to flow in. Keep it coming you guys! Remember we do not want to dance for the other class.

Outside: some of you were inappropriately dressed for the weather today. The days will continue to get colder so bundle up.

Secret Santa is around the corner, so make sure you are thinking about it and pick up a present if you haven't already done so. Also, start thinking about what kind of food you want to bring in for our Holiday Party.

Have a safe and warm evening. Pay it forward and don't forget to download the fire app to keep you warm.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Secret Santa

Secret Santa is coming fast. As a matter of fact, It's happening next week. Make sure you purchase your gift soon if you haven't done it already.

Language Quiz on Wednesday: What works better is if you understand the information. Once you understand it, you won't need to study for it.

Food Drive: Continue bringing in Cans--Linda, Rachel, and Florence, together have brought in 40+ cans!!!!! WOW!!!!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Book Reviews Due Today

All book reviews should have been submitted today. Thanks to all students who have brought in canned goods this week. If you haven't already, please bring it in next week. WE DO NOT WANT TO DANCE FOR THE OTHER CLASS.
Remember to complete your extra notes on conflict, motivation and goal; it is due on Monday.
Secret Santa is coming up quickly. By the time you know it--it will be here--buy your Secret Santa's present if you haven't done it already.  You do not want to wait until the last minute.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


We spent some of the language class taking notes. The notes taken today are due on Monday morning. I will be checking notes on Monday. We will continue book reviews tomorrow.

Anyone who brought in a canned good, remember to give yourself 5 stars. Remember to continue bringing in canned goods. We've had an amazing start today!!! Well Done everyone.  Have a wonderful evening and pay if forward.

Book Review

The 4 major types of conflict found in novels

Motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic

Goals: Long term/short term

Physiological, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, Esteem and Recognition, Self-Actualization

Try to find the other ones on your own

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

5 Stars for every canned/non perishable good

I don't normally create two blogs on the same day, so you have to think; this is important. I do not wish to dance for the other class (I'm sure we're in agreement) so let's use our combined kindness and generosity and bring in as many canned/non-perishable food goods as possible.  If we win the person who brought in the most canned goods will receive a prize.

By the way, Ashlee has already brought in two canned goods!!! Well Done Ashlee!!!

Secret Santa

Start thinking about your Secret Santa gift ideas. Some of you are ordering your gift online, so consider the amount of wait time. Homework: reading online articles and see how authors join words together to create beautiful sentences.  Good Job today in Language. Have a warm evening. Be safe and pay it forward.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Happy Birthday/Homework

Homework: Like yesterday, go onto a blog/newspaper/magazine and get a feeling for how they write. Notice the words they use and how they convey the message using the least amount of words. Have a warm evening. I downloaded the fireplace app from apple and this evening I will be roasting marshmallows on my app. Be safe and pay it forward.

We would like to wish Ashlee a Happy Birthday! You are now 13 Ashlee and I hope you feel pretty special that you are a young teenager with so much of your life in front of you. Have a magical day. I understand you want a pet rhinoceros--well that's something. I hope your wish comes true.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Secret Santa

Everyone has picked a name for Secret Santa. You have your peer, who by the way you're shopping for. Remember to stick to your peer's list...do no deviate. Homework: go on to different blogs or newspapers and see how those bloggers/journalists write using very few words to convey their message. Homework is for all students.

Have a great evening you guys. Stay warm and if you don't have a fireplace, just download the app. And imagine it's a real fireplace.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Secret Santa and Language Test

Message for all students: do not comment on anyone's grammar/punctuation or syntax challenges. Everyone  makes mistakes. Keep that in mind for all online interactions.

Most of you did very well on our first ever Book Review Quiz. However, the next step for some of you is to really understand what  the conflict and the inciting incident are when it comes to novels. Trust me, years from now when your deconstructing poems, and novels you will thank me. However, by that time it will automatically be a part of your thinking process and when everyone else in your future classes is racking their minds trying to answer questions like conflict and inciting incident you'll be saying it with ease and confidence.

On Monday please bring in a piece of paper with your name and 3 things you want your Secret Santa to flourish you with.

Homework this weekend: hmm, let me think...I guess whatever you're responsible for reading/note taking in literature circles. Have a great weekend all. Be safe and pay it forward. See you on Monday.

I  think this is cool...

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Secret Santa #2

I would like to take a minute and thank the students that help out at lunch: Florence, Rachel, Rebecca, Annabelle, Linda, Sonia and Rebecca. For Secret Santa have your name and three things that you want on a piece of paper (typed or written).
Here are some of the rules.

Secret Santa Rules

Have Fun!
Dec 5th you guys are responsible for your name and 3 things that you want
$15 to $20 (no trading)
gag gifts are out of bounds
Do not share who you have
Bring in gifts on Thurs/
Friday Dec 22 or 23, 2016
Gift cards are included
No weapon gifts like water guns or plastic swords
-Respect the person’s choices on their list

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Secret Santa

Hello Everyone:
We will be drawing names on Monday the 5th of December. Anyone that doesn't want to participate come see me. Have a great evening and pay it forward.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I know the book review was simple today. I just wanted you to explore and apply our new Headings. Tomorrow we explore books that are more meaty, meaningful and magnificent. Though as for that have a cool afternoon. Keep up the strong effort.

I love Mr. Bean: I've seen this look on some of your faces. LOL.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Literacy Homework

If you didn't finish taking notes in Literacy: Theme, Goal, Motivation, Conflict, Inciting Incident, finish that up. It is considered homework. Remember there is an independent component in grade 7-- all incomplete work is considered homework.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Both Ms. Fifield (Fifeild?)  and I have successfully interviewed all parents that signed up for teacher interview. It was great to place a face of the people responsible for bringing you up and turning you into outstanding citizens. I hope what I'm about to type resonated with all students during our interviews: I do not really give homework; however, if something is incomplete and needs to be finished or you think you should research a particular topic at home-- you are responsible and independent enough to do it yourselves. This is a big component in the intermediate division (initiative, responsibility, and autonomy). We meant every word spoken in the interviews. You all have potential. It's time to unlock it. Have a great weekend you guys! Time to go Black Friday Shopping!!!!! Home depot-Lowes-Rona-Canadian Tire!!!!

I love these books:

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Super Late

So sorry you guys. Busy evening with interviews. If I saw you today..great! If not, I will see you tomorrow. Have a good night.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


What a great volleyball scrimmage you guys played. For our very first scrimmage you guys did very well. I suggest you check out great volleyball plays on Youtube. Continue to practice volleyball but not in your house/bedroom. Anyway, if you want to continue your book review at home, that's okay with me. I want it completed in class by tomorrow. Once again, I expect to see all of you at the interviews.

Extra Special Thanks to Florence, Rebecca, Rachel, Linda, Sonia, Annabelle and of course Kenny.  Don't forget to Visit Florence's blog for alien meat. RIP multiverse Ken (s)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Hey guys
Like I said in class,  awesome job being on your best behaviour with the supply teacher, Miss. Barkin. Four stars awarded to all students!!! I am very pleased with you. At this point I've gone over everyone's guided reading mark, which pleases me immensely. Have a great evening--stay warm--enjoy your extracurricular activities.  And if you get a chance visit Florence's blog--she's apparently selling rare, alien meat. Yummmmyyy!!!!!!

Special thanks to Rachel, Florence, Rebecca and Annabelle for cleaning up the room during their lunch.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hi guys

Hi all:

I was at a conference today. The highlight or downlight was when I dropped my Macbook Air. It did survive the fall and it appears to be working well. I hope you were all great today. I will be reading the supply teacher's notes tomorrow.

Teacher interviews are later this week. I want to see all of you there during the interview process. Anyway,  have a warm afternoon and evening. See you tomorrow.  Special thanks to Florence, Rachel, and Rebecca for cleaning the room :)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Reflection Piece

Homework: Reflection piece, 1 paragraph (8-10 sentences) on a character you connected with in Rising Above.
The assignment is on Google Classroom. Create in Google Docs and submit it to Google Classroom.
A paragraph is 7-9 sentences for grade 7

Good job at the movie today. I hope it was inspirational to you and you took something away that was meaningful and lasting. Have a great weekend. I will see you Tuesday.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Bring yourself and your snacks to the movie theater. Have a great evening. Don't forget to pay it forward.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


So the consensus is that you are not allowed to buy treats at the theater; however, the big surprise is we can bring in our own treats. Just bring in some Halloween treats and don't forget to bring in a healthy drink.