Thursday, February 23, 2017

New Information for Mom and Dad

Please show mom and dad some new information about the Entrepreneurship  program

Central Park, Entrepreneurial Adventure and Y2 Entrepreneurship Labs

The Central Park Entrepreneurship program in affiliation with E.A. and Y2 reflects specific expectations in the Language curriculum as follows;
E.A. and YK: Program Goals:
Enhance critical and creative thinking. Cultivate the spirit of adventure and enterprise, risk and reward, and a sense of satisfaction from transforming an idea into reality. Develop self-confidence in developing and communicating ideas. Experience collaboration and team work Develop project and time management skills. Develop leadership and collaborative skills (ability to lead a team and work within a team). Teaching how complex partnerships in business are created through the use of technology.  
Grade 7 Curriculum Expectations in Language/Mathematics
Specific Expectations:

Oral Communication: 2.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in most situations, adapting contributions and responses to suit the purpose and audience
Reading: 1.4 demonstrates understanding of increasingly complex texts by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety
of details that support the main idea.
Writing: 1.3 gather information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a wide range of print and electronic resources.
Media: 4.1 identify what strategies they found most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts, and explain how these and other strategies can help them improve as media viewers/ listeners/producers

Number Sense and Numeration: solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., estimation, algorithms);

Number Sense and Numeration: solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., estimation, algorithms)