Tuesday, February 28, 2017


I think our Graphic Comic Book Unit will be informative. We have a Holocaust presentation tomorrow after morning recess.  Health is due tomorrow by 9:00 am.  The Music Retreat at Jackson's Point also transpires tomorrow--we will miss you guys--you are forever in our thoughts.  I will be so sad on Thursday and Friday--but we shall endure, I hope.  Have a great evening,  if you're packing don't forget your toothbrush. Enjoy your evening.

What am I looking at? 

What am I looking at? 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Hello You Guys!

Like I mentioned earlier during the last blog, we are looking for a Blog Change. Does anyone have any ideas? I will check out some other backgrounds a little later. I don't think the changes will be that significant. But I do welcome all ideas.

Homework: I believe Health homework is to be completed by tomorrow/or by Wednesday morning. Please complete it and submit it to Google Classroom. I'm still marking your narrative pieces. It seems like most of you have stepped up,  good to see!

Have a great afternoon. The sun is shining so beautifully that it reminds me of spring.  Some of you are going to the music retreat. Don't forget to pack the things you don't think you'll need, but might.

Check this out:

What is this? 

What Am I looking at? 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blog Change

We will be changing the blog this week. If anyone has ideas I would love to hear it. Thanks everyone.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

E-tivity #9 Entrepreneurship

E-tivity #9

Grade 7 Curriculum Expectations in Language/Mathematics
Specific Expectations:
Oral Communication: 2.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in most situations, adapting contributions and responses to suit the purpose and audience
Reading: 1.4 demonstrates understanding of increasingly complex texts by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety
of details that support the main idea.
Writing: 1.3 gather information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a wide range of print and electronic resources.
Media: 4.1 identify what strategies they found most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts, and explain how these and other strategies can help them improve as media viewers/ listeners/producers
Number Sense and Numeration: solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., estimation, algorithms)

To have a clear understanding of Entrepreneurship you will engage in a few collaborative activities with your peers. Form a group with other students who you think would make great partners in your business venture. Please access the links below and watch the videos, answer the questions and discuss it with your peers. You will ascertain the handouts in Google Docs. By the end of this lesson you should have a basic understanding of how running your own business applies to the 21st century. (You are accessing information based on our partners EA and Y2 and learning a little more about them)

Based on the above link answer the following questions:
What does the Learning Partnership offer you?
What are some of the Entrepreneurial Adventure goals? Pick one goal and expand how it could benefit aspects of your life.
How does the Entrepreneurial Adventure work?
What did you think of the Entrepreneurial Adventure showcase video? Can you see yourself showcasing your very own product?
Navigate the website and write down 2/3 interesting things you found that could be useful.

What is Y2 Entrepreneurship Labs?
List some similarities and differences between EA and Y2?
http://y2youth.org/ Go to this link and watch Y2 conference April 2016
What did you think about their original idea: Candy Cutlery. Have they created something new or used something existing and modified it into something more useful?  Discuss this as a group and jot down your own individual answers.

Watch Videos
Discuss the videos with your peers.

Almost there: We will now have a presentation and then you can form your own business. To follow along access the PowerPoint link in Google Classroom. You will enough time after the presentation to create your own business venture/service. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

HI all

Wow! Great Week! Next week we start our new unit: graphic comic book. Feel free to read up on it. Remember tomorrow's blog--you don't have to do it. Anyway,  have a great weekend. Enjoy the fresh air and have fun doing all of your activities.

Check this comparison: Check it out

Who is this? 

What is this and where is it? 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hey Everyone:

Narrative essay due tomorrow on Google Classroom by 9:00am. Other than that have a great afternoon and pay it forward.

What am I looking at?

Check this out!!!

New Information for Mom and Dad

Please show mom and dad some new information about the Entrepreneurship  program

Central Park, Entrepreneurial Adventure and Y2 Entrepreneurship Labs

The Central Park Entrepreneurship program in affiliation with E.A. and Y2 reflects specific expectations in the Language curriculum as follows;
E.A. and YK: Program Goals:
Enhance critical and creative thinking. Cultivate the spirit of adventure and enterprise, risk and reward, and a sense of satisfaction from transforming an idea into reality. Develop self-confidence in developing and communicating ideas. Experience collaboration and team work Develop project and time management skills. Develop leadership and collaborative skills (ability to lead a team and work within a team). Teaching how complex partnerships in business are created through the use of technology.  
Grade 7 Curriculum Expectations in Language/Mathematics
Specific Expectations:

Oral Communication: 2.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in most situations, adapting contributions and responses to suit the purpose and audience
Reading: 1.4 demonstrates understanding of increasingly complex texts by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety
of details that support the main idea.
Writing: 1.3 gather information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a wide range of print and electronic resources.
Media: 4.1 identify what strategies they found most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts, and explain how these and other strategies can help them improve as media viewers/ listeners/producers

Number Sense and Numeration: solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., estimation, algorithms);

Number Sense and Numeration: solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., estimation, algorithms)

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hello All!!!

Literacy Lesson will be different tomorrow. I won't ruin the surprise or anything, but it's going to be uniquely different. Anyway have a great evening. Narrative writing due on Friday; Health is due on Tuesday I believe. Don't forget to Pay it forward.


What is this? 

What planet is this and what makes it unique? 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hello Everyone

Extension with narrative writing due Friday, Feb 24 @ 9.00a.m.  Anyway, read for about 30 minutes if you get a chance or do something productive. Have a great evening and pay if forward.

I wonder where these two places are located? 

I wonder where this anime character is from? 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Hey Guys

Family Day: Spend some time today bonding with the family. Let them know how much you appreciate them. Have a great day!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Riddle Me This..

Here is a riddle. I await your response. 

I was there when dinosaurs ruled this world. They were big, bold and terrifying. I was there when kings and queens dominated the lands. Each fought with a particular brand of justice. I was there when the wheel was built and the first language ever was spoken. I have seen glaciers melt to water and have felt the sun strong on my back. I was there when farming yielded to the industrial revolution, a new type of thing was created: machines. I was there when Lincoln was assassinated. I was there to observe the coming of a new dawn: World War I. I was also there to observe World War II. I was there when the first car sloppily trudged unevenly down dirt roads. I was there to witness the horrific atrocities and the greatest achievements of this world and all possible worlds held in this universe and all others before and after it.

Who or What am I?

Friday, February 17, 2017

Long Weekend !

Hey everyone: Remember narrative piece due Wednesday. Health assignment has been shaved down. You don't have to answer questions four and five. I hope you have a good time at the Valentine's dance. I will perhaps post a blog tomorrow so stay tuned.  Stay warm and be good to each other and have a wonderful weekend.

What are the name of these two places and why are they both wonders of our world.

Who is this and what is the scene?