Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Hey Guys!

Hope everyone had a good day! Whether you skied, skated, snowboarded or did snow games--it's all good--unless you broke a bone then it isn't that good. Take time this evening and reflect on your day and maybe, just maybe you can use it in your narrative writing.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Have Fun!

Hey, skiers, snowboarders, and skaters have fun tomorrow--be safe and don't do any stunts or act irresponsibly. If you're staying back I'll see you tomorrow. Health homework due next health period. Have a good evening everyone.  Be good to each other and pay it forward.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Health Assignment

Click on link below to access Media Smarts
Choose 1 of the following topics about Media and Body Image (with the exception of Body Image Introduction)
Read article
Assignment: 2 paragraphs
Write one paragraph summing up the article. The other paragrpah is based on your thoughts and feelings about the article. Include strategies you will take not to be sucked into this perception that the media attempts to protray on you.
Due date: Next Health Class
Paragraphs to be done in Google Docs and submitted into Google Classroom

media smarts

Happy Birthday Makayla!

You know there's a party going on when students blog after 12:00 am!!!  Again Happy Chinese New Year!! Today is also a special day for Makayla. She turns 13 today--WOW! Makayla have a special day and enjoy these moments and celebrations in your young life.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Chinese New Year and Time Machine

For students who have their new year tomorrow: Happy Chinese New Year! It's year of the Rooster...so cool. I wish you all the best and I hope you get many, many red envelopes! At a side, I like red envelopes too.  If you have spare time this weekend you might want to research personal narratives also the 6 traits in writing--organization, ideas, voice, sentence fluency, conventions and word choice--just to get a better grasp.  Have an amazing weekend.

In other news, Rachel revealed she built the time machine in her room. I'm not sure how she did it but she did. The amazing Ashlee donated the flux capacitor to Rachel. Everything is almost set up for our time travel adventure--of course, we need a  2.5 gigawatt surge of electricity to jump start the time machine.  That only comes from a severe bolts of lightening or we might have to cripple the GTA into a sudden and long blackout which might last for days. We're trudging into unknown territory and something we might not be ready for. Any recommendations will be welcomed.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Sonia!!! Sonia is 13 today!!! I hope you have a spectacular evening and we're all happy to share on this special day.

In other news, Rachel has almost finished the time machine, but she needs a flux capacitor. These aren't cheap. We've reached out to Ashlee for a donation but that crazy kid has yet get to get back to us. I might have to go on Kickstarter and raise money that way. I'm not sure, I do know that the time machine committee needs to sit down and talk about strategies to obtain this elusive part.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Back In Time

We move into our next unit: Personal Narrative Writing. We'll cover the learning goals and success criteria tomorrow.  In other news, Rachel is working on a time machine. Please, she may need specialized parts to make this work properly. Give her some assistance if need be. I've also reached out to Ashlee to help support this billion dollar venture; I'm still waiting for Ashlee to get back to me. If Rachel is successful we will have the first time machine in history!!!  Then we can have the ultimate adventure of all time!!!! WOW!  With all these possibilities we can change the very fabric of our world.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hello All

This is my second blog today...the first one just got deleted! Not happy about that. Comic strips due end of period tomorrow. Thanks to Rachel and Florence for helping in the Chess Committee, Thanks to the Bathroom Committee, however have a meeting soon to discuss strategies for students leaving the room. Have a great evening and pay it forward.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello People:

I was going to assign to you to create a seven-day schedule. I decided you have enough on your plate at the moment and I made a note to myself to give you this homework in a few weeks. For now. work on your comics, health, math and all other subjects and assessment pieces. Have a great evening. Pay it forward.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hey Guys

Have a wonderful weekend you guys! Remember,  no school tomorrow, so sleep in! Comic books are due Wednesday, however, bonus marks are given for an early hand in.  Have a great weekend and be really productive: some of you need to budget your time. Homework--create a 7-day schedule where every second of your day is accounted for--from the moment you wake up to the second you go to bed.

The Persistence of Memory (famous painting) 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Comic Strip Extended to Next Wednesday

Hey everyone; remember comic strips are extended to next Wednesday.  If you have it for Monday well--it's worth an extra % point. Still a little slippery out there so be careful. Tomorrow is our Friday since your Friday is a PA Day. Enjoy your evening and be safe and don't forget to pay it forward.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Don't Slip and Slide

It's slippery out there! Be extra careful. Continue with your comic strips this evening. Still marking essays, I hope to get it back to you Friday or even Thursday. Have a great evening and stay warm: download fireplace app--trust me about the warmth it offers.

These pics are funny: WHILE OUTSIDE--DON'T DO THIS!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Short week

So Friday is a PA Day. Comic strips are due on Monday. However as expressed in class early finishers will be awarded an extra % point. Any free mark is a good free mark. Anyway, if you're still unclear about comic strips continue to conduct your own research this evening and sketch a rough draft of the panels. I'm still waiting for a few essays to come in, if you're one of those people make sure you hand it in by tomorrow.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Book Reviews

Almost all book reviews have been marked, feedback is on your google doc and the mark is awaiting your attention once you sign into google classroom. I'm still waiting for a couple of book reviews--those of you who haven't handed it in yet, please do it after Monday morning but before Wednesday. I want you to focus on your essay, that assessment piece is going on the upcoming report card. Continuing having a great weekend!

Friday, January 13, 2017


Remember your essay is due Monday Morning in Google Classroom. We are moving on to comics on Monday. So this weekend check out a few comic strips and look to see how artist have drawn their comic strips.

Have a great weekend and stay warm, like this girl:

Essay Introduction

Essay Introduction

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hey Everyone!

Hey Guys: everyone should be finishing their conclusion and on your way of starting your introduction. The link on the last blog might shed more light on how to write a proper conclusion. Tomorrow we'll discuss what makes a successful introduction.

Have a wonderful evening and don't forget to pay it forward.

YO what's up Y'All? 

Conclusion for Essay

Essay Conclusion

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hey Guys

You guys were so focused in Literacy! Keep up this fantastic effort. Essay due on Monday at 9:00 am, try crafting and/or editing it this evening. Always chop down the amount of work because if you allow it to pile up it becomes simply overwhelming. Have a great evening and pay it forward. Be good to each other.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Do your essay...

Hey Guys
So everyone should be working on their essay. Most of you have evolved to paragraph 2 if not 3...continue your hard work.

Help mom and dad by shoveling the driveway. Your parents work hard and clearing the driveway would be a welcoming gesture.

Stay warm and avoid being on the road. Apparently, Ashlee is lapping it up in Hawaii! WOW that kid is everywhere! However, Ashlee makes the time and completes her work, just like you guys...have a snowy filled evening.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Essay and Tech

Remember essay due one week from today. Everyone should have already figured out their three topic sentences. If I were you, I would have it finished before week's end. This gives you some time during the weekend to make adjustments to your essay. Also, remember to bring your tech for tomorrow. Have a great evening guys and stay warm.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Hi All

For those who are actively consulting the blog for updates, I thank you--it always pays to be informed. I want to wish you all a Happy New Year. If you reflected back on 2016 and weren't happy with some of your choices, well, you can start again, Just resolve to make better choices, leading to smarter decisions and wiser actions. It's really that simple. I'll be seeing you guys soon! Ashlee says, "hi," and she wishes you guys an awesome upcoming year.