Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween !

It was a very successful Halloween Class Party! I hope everyone had a good time.
Be safe tonight. Think twice about your actions and make good choices.
Have fun!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Reflection Piece

Mathian be sure you submit your Reflection Piece to Google Classroom --- I have not received it as yet. That goes for everyone else. Submit it to GOOGLE CLASSROOM. The only students that should be commenting on this blog are the ones that are having challenges submitting it into Google Classroom. Also, if you have already submitted it make sure you give me editing control by turning it on in Google Docs.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Reflection Assignment/Halloween Party/Games

Hey All:
Most of you have finished your reflection piece. If not make sure it's submitted in Google Classroom no later than Monday, October, 31sr 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Don't forget to bring in your Halloween Goodie on Monday and your Halloween costume.  Have a great weekend and try not to go trick-or-treating earlier than the 31st.  Also remember to bring in some games.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Halloween Party

What to bring in:

Chocolate: Florence, Linda, Erkya,  Karrie,  James
Fruit/Vegetable Platter: ???
Bottled Water/Juice Boxes: Lucas, Annabelle,
Chips: Ryan C, Issa, Sonia, Isabelle, Sami, Anthony, Rachel, Roy
Plates: Kenny
Candy: Ryan L,  Yunji, Rebecca, Makalya,
Marshmallows: Michelle,
Popcorn: David

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hi All

Good Afternoon:

At this point,  most if not all of you have started your reflection piece. Remember to consult the rubric and checklist to investigate what you need to do to be successful. Be good to each other and pay it forward--sometimes, we build a better world with a new deed each day.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Start Thinking about Reflection Piece

Hi guys:

As stated in class, I normally chunk my time for major projects and do bits and pieces each day. That works for me; however, it might not work for you. Subscribe to your own system and do what works for you. I spoke to all of you earlier and it appeared that you had already selected your topic. If the topic you selected doesn't work for you,  then simply choose another one on the list found in Google Classroom. Any questions you may have let me know, via email or in class tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening, bundle up it's getting cold outside: Kenny no swimming outside today! Indoors only.  Be good to each other and don't forget to pay it forward.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Reflection Assignment

I can't emphasize enough about the upcoming Reflection assignment. Look at the rubric carefully, read the checklist and understand what both are asking you to do. And most of all, please scrutinize 'Getting Started," for direction. If you have any questions please email me.  Other than that, let me just say that I thought you guys and gals were incredibly brave today with your immunization shot--give yourselves an extra star on Monday. Enjoy your weekend.  Read lots and don't forget to pay it forward. Ryan and Mathian have a Memorable Birthday--enjoy those special moments with your family and friends.

Ryan B-Day and Mathian and Caitlin

Happy Birthday Ryan and Mathian!!! We hope you have an Awesome Day and I hope it is memorable and filled with many wonderful moments

Remember Ryan and Mathian Life is journey filled with so many possibilities--enjoy the ride!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

First Assignment

Posted in Google Classroom is your first major assignment. You may want to check it out. I posted a rubric and a checklist (2x for photocopying a hard copy for you). We will talk about the assignment tomorrow, however, you may want to start thinking about it. Have a great evening.

Fast Week!

Tomorrow's already Friday., Wow! Have a great evening and read for about 30-40 minutes, paying close attention to our strategy: inferring.  Play it safe and don't forget to pay it forward. Have a good evening.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Start thinking about our Halloween Party

Hey guys:
I thought I would throw this out there: Halloween Party! Start thinking about what you want to bring in. I think the food list is open to all variety of eatables, as long as we mix it up with a fruit and vegetable platter we should be good (no nuts, though, that includes ppl, jk, even if you're slightly nuts you could come to our party :) Read today with inferring in mind. Some of you still need to work hard on mastering this strategy. And don't forget to play safe and pay it forward. Have a sunshine evening.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Hello All:
Great job in gym today!!! I was pleasantly surprised how much you remembered from the Frisbee Youtube lesson.  I thought the game was fun, dynamic and somewhat competitive. Well done, indeed. Read for about 30 min or more this evening and enjoy your evening.

 Isabelle, I hope you're feeling better, Keep me informed to how you are feeling as the result of the nefarious soccer ball.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Some Days are Crazier than Others.

Man oh man...I feel like I've been on the go all day. Anyone of you ever felt like that? I'm sure we've all been there. Anyway, great job in literacy today; we move onto our new Guided Reading story on Wednesday, other than that, read this evening and use the power of inferring to guide you. Special thanks, today to Florence, Rachel, and Annabelle for helping to set up future guided reading session material. Have a great evening and pay it forward. Always pay it forward.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Internet Down

WOW! I've never seen so many comments from a group of students from any of my blogs, ever. We now retire that last blog page and focus on this new one Invariably, I have my emails of comments on this blog sent to my phone, I've received over 200 emails yesterday...thanks to you guys--deleting them took longer than expected and my fingers were stressed and slightly sore My internet was down yesterday, so, sorry for the late response. Your unscheduled homework is to read for about an hour this weekend while focusing on inferring: other than that have fun and enjoy the uncharacteristically, fabulous weekend weather. See you on Monday :)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wall Ball

Everyone did a pretty good job during gym. I realize new games take a while to get used to before it becomes something natural and fun. However, Wall Ball is a great game and unlike Dodgeball you have a lot of room to maneuver around the gym. We will eventually play dodgeball on certain days, however, today was a little break from Frisbee. We will probably be playing frisbee inside in our next gym class. Have a great evening and don't forget to pay it forward.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mild Reflection

I had to fill in for Mr. Rooke's last period math class, today.  I was indeed transported back in time. And I remember being upstairs with you guys and having a cool time when you guys were in grade 6.  As I was remembering this, the memories seemed like it was just yesterday, but in reality, it was really about 4/6 months ago. I think it's funny how our minds remember things like it was yesterday, but in reality, so many months or years have gone by.  Anyway, have a wonderful afternoon and a great evening and don't forget to pay it forward.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Afternoon All


Homework: Spend some time and check out the different types of punctuation (s) and how it is used in sentences. Read about 30 minutes or better yet, combine your online reading  to the rules of punctuation and grammar. Have a nice evening and play it safe and pay it forward.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Isabelle, is today your Birthday?  I hope you are enjoying your day.  We wish you a happy birthday and I hope all of your wishes and dreams come true :)

Friday, October 7, 2016

Thanksgiving Weekend is a GO!

We've had a pretty decent week! Continue your awesome behaviour and work ethic. We now move into Growth Mindset Mode--simply meaning that our classroom will be structured under the growth mindset umbrella. You will work hard and through practice, you will grow your brain into something amazing.  Enjoy your weekend--remember--learn how to navigate Google Slides and Read 1.5 hours this long weekend. Invariably, I know Lucas will be reading possibly over 6-7 hours . Rebecca, enjoy your birthday kiddo.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Great Effort in focusing today! Most, if not all of you are beginning to understand the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. We will move forward towards a growth mindset perspective. We will talk more about this tomorrow.

Have a great afternoon. Some of you have piano, cello, hockey, golf,  karate, skating and other evening events--if you get a chance try to soak up the remnants of that October sunshine. See you all tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Curriculum Night

It was a pleasure meeting your parents earlier this evening. We had opportunities to talk about your work, classroom behaviour and learning goals.

Today's Work:
Choose a video about Carol Dweck and list the Main Idea(s) of the Video
Growth Mindset

Monday, October 3, 2016

Guided Reading

You guys were pretty extraordinary for guided reading.  Give yourselves 2 stars tomorrow. Sometimes I forget to say how special and awesome you guys are and how lucky I am to have all of you in my class. Well done today! Keep up your resilient  effort.

Literacy Tomorrow

Growth Mindset Scavenger Hunt Questions:

How do we know the brain can get stronger?

What is the key to growing the brain? (give an example as it related to your life).

What is the real truth about intelligence and talent?

What can you do to get smarter?

Write a brief summary of what you learned in researching Growth Mindset so far.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Good for you GUYS!

I like how many more of you are making an attempt to show leave comments. However, this blog is a grade 7 expectation that should be viewed every day.

Monday Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
youtube MOJO growth mindset
Ways to encourage Growth Mindset