Thursday, June 29, 2017

Happy Summer

Have a good and safe summer. Those of you who signed on regularly I'll miss your blog posts. Kenny, I'll miss your antics and amusing blog posts; Roy I'll miss you saying 'sup,' Annabelle I like how you race to be first along with Sonia, sometimes Isabelle and occasionally Florence. Michelle, I will miss your brilliant digital artwork you do on the blog with the keyboard symbols. James, Ryan L,  I will miss how you say hi all the time and of course Mathian I will miss your many questions you ask. Yunji I will miss you signing in on the blog way after your bedtime.  Like I said have a safe summer break.  I am shutting this blog down at any moment.

You might remember:  Lake St. George

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Amazing outside

If you didn't get your report card come see either me or Miss. Fifield.
Awesome outside, please take advantage of it.
Have a great evening.

One more sleep for the 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Hey guys and gals party tomorrow don't forget to bring in your treats and games.
Report cards go home tomorrow
Have a great evening and get out there in the sunshine to pursue something active.

Monday, June 26, 2017


Party on Wednesday bring something in.
Have fun tomorrow.
Enjoy this wet afternoon by keeping dry.

Friday, June 23, 2017


Great Job with the M--Mystery...Thanks for sharing your thoughts, next time we'll make it better.
No homework other than reading (read articles online, anime comics, novels, magazines--essentially anything)
Think of what you want to bring in for our party
Have a fun-filled weekend.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Themed Party?

Party Ideas are welcomed, ,,we can have a themed party as well, like Hawaiian or dress up--just spitting balling some ideas...

Friday tomorrow--no Genius Hour--Try to think of two songs that you absolutely love and want to analyze tomorrow.

If you have to pay for Logic Academy and Scientist in the School, please bring in your money.

Have a wonderful evening and no going to war with anyone on the blog.